Monday, August 30, 2010


How does it feel to be at the bottom? Does it feel worse to see no improvement when you're already that low...constantly trying to get yourself up again only to be out beaten by everyone around you...What about that sense of diminution, falling from an excellent standard to just being good, like everyone else. I mean we all have our strengths and weaknesses, we are all best or good at something...but what happens when we cannot maintain that benchmark...when we dropped a few marks more than we should have, where our ranks have gradually declined because of our mistakes in situations where they do count. Some endeavor to redeem their position, but some take this failure as a sign and give up on the spot, accepting their new standard.

We all find reasons to blame why we have tumbled to our downfall, when most of the time the only one to blame is ourselves. There are always gonna be those who don't try as hard and still achieve that same thing you desire or even better (grr). Although as frustrating as this might be
there's not much we can do about them, it is only within ourselves where we are able to find solemn and that improvement we're all longing for.

Worst feeling, is when you're the best in the class and then the most BAKA (stupid) kid in your class surpasses you in a test...that's when you know you've been beaten. jokes lol you just know they cheated :D

Random fact: Kakorrhaphiophobia- Fear of failure or defeat.

Bye baby.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

best opening song :D

Who will you kiss?
Me or that girl?
Who will you kiss?
Orbit the stars, pure feelings

Bringing along my coward and crybaby sides
I thought that I’d still go
To be suspicious is always easier
Than to love, than to yearn; I feel frustrated

It hurts
I’m on your side, but you don’t love me
You said you’ll protect me, but you can’t be by my side
It’s a bitter self-contradiction
Immediately, touch me
When it comes our destinies, make them connect

Who will you kiss?
Me or that girl?
Rather than offering words that shake my heart
Irresponsibly embrace me to the limit

A law that judges delusions
When I gave it a kick from behind
I stumbled in a frank romance
Just by breathing, it takes all my might
Come for me, because I’m drowning

It hurts
Because I can’t beg your laughing voice
To truly believe in a positive lie
I didn’t know what to do with the future
Immediately, hold me
Push away reasoning

Who will you kiss?
Me or that girl?
Tears are completely useless
Dash through the stars, pure feelings

Who will you kiss?

Who will you kiss?
Me or that girl?
Turning my one and only life into a shield
Now I brandish my sentiments

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

types of people...

There are three types of people in this world:
Those who make things happen,
those who watch things happen,
and those who wonder what happens.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

change for 15, anyone?

Saturday, August 21, 2010

want or need...

The difference between want and need...
hmm you need to talk to someone does not necessarily mean you want to talk to them...
it's just under some circumstances that you find yourself in one of these positions and not only do you feel awkward but I'm certain the other person feels it too. Sometimes you can undoubtedly put your want so far ahead of what you need that your need begins to drift away as you chase after your ideal whatever. Worst case scenario is you constantly pursue after what you want at the cost of what you actually need and somehow lose both leaving you with regret.

There is always a clear distinction between the two if we begin to talk about materialistic things. Just consider...are these things gonna help you progress in life far are you willing to sacrifice to obtain them and is it worth it in the end. Seriously are you gonna die if you don't have a new laptop or computer? yes );
I mean NO you're not, windows 95 works perfectly for me...i just cant do like 99% of what your computers do nowadays lol

I mean i would like to categorize new wax as a need but inevitably it's just comes down to a want. It's not like my life is gonna end if I'm a walking mushroom, I'll probably die alone...due to humiliation over the years and maybe live with a few (couple hundred) cats...(crazy cat person).

Random fact: Cats are more likely to survive falling from a building that is 7 stories high than 2 stories high. I also dislike cats :)?

Ciao baby.


I wonder what Taeyang's hair looks like when it's not up O= i mean looking at myself in the mirror with my new haircut that has no product in it atm looks like hmm how should i put it...a MUSHROOM ? (OK it looked more like Jay Park's actually)

If this is the case, i'm so wearing a beanie at home till my mum realizes i got a haircut :P

Random fact: pretty sure i had a mushroom haircut some point in my life...(more like till he was 28...jokes im not that old) mmm till i was 10.

Over and out.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

have a taste of my diamond fist...

Is it wrong to chase someone who constantly runs away?
Is it wrong to be a friend and acknowledge their existence while others seemingly don't?

Sometimes people put up walls, not to keep others out, but to see who cares enough to break them down.

You might think your wall is made out of diamond, the hardest substance on earth, but don't think that there is not one person out there that is unable to break it. I mean after a few trips to the gym, I can guarantee my fist will be hard as diamond and then we will see if you are able withstand my "one inch punch" (:

Just expect a fist to the face or your balls because I know that would hurt (had to test this on myself to see if it did actually hurt...jokes got my little brother to do it to me) but no amount of damage would compare to your decision to end things like this.

Never gonna give you up
Never gonna let you down
Something about turning around...mmm forgot the rest (Y)

Random fact: My school bag smells like banana...I guess all my stuff in my bag would too O=


Tuesday, August 17, 2010

there's a new hero in town...

Soooooo........decided to join this blogging fraternity since I wanted to cheer all you sad peeps blogging about your problems, and plus i ran out of anime to watch...jokes more like no more dl for porn (: but don't worry i can just ask you guys for some. Anime that is (i know what you were thinking don't deny it lol)

Anyways I look forward to share my ups and downs along with other people's hmm like that time when I...nah I'll save that for next time (:

Random fact: I don't like wearing socks with holes wait...except all socks have at least one hole otherwise you can't put your foot in...ahh ffs fail.

umm how to exit this post now O_O