Monday, August 30, 2010


How does it feel to be at the bottom? Does it feel worse to see no improvement when you're already that low...constantly trying to get yourself up again only to be out beaten by everyone around you...What about that sense of diminution, falling from an excellent standard to just being good, like everyone else. I mean we all have our strengths and weaknesses, we are all best or good at something...but what happens when we cannot maintain that benchmark...when we dropped a few marks more than we should have, where our ranks have gradually declined because of our mistakes in situations where they do count. Some endeavor to redeem their position, but some take this failure as a sign and give up on the spot, accepting their new standard.

We all find reasons to blame why we have tumbled to our downfall, when most of the time the only one to blame is ourselves. There are always gonna be those who don't try as hard and still achieve that same thing you desire or even better (grr). Although as frustrating as this might be
there's not much we can do about them, it is only within ourselves where we are able to find solemn and that improvement we're all longing for.

Worst feeling, is when you're the best in the class and then the most BAKA (stupid) kid in your class surpasses you in a test...that's when you know you've been beaten. jokes lol you just know they cheated :D

Random fact: Kakorrhaphiophobia- Fear of failure or defeat.

Bye baby.


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